Last updated December 20, 2022

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Phone: (916) 690-1851


Bachelor of Science, Computer Science – California State University, Chico
Completed 2020

Work Experience

Digital Communications Developer
University of the Pacific
April 2022 - Present

Full Stack Developer (contract)
February 2021 - December 2021
Helped a client realize a vision for organizing volunteers for dog show events. Uses Express JS for routing, Nunjucks for page layout, and MongoDB for user data. Emphasis on one-to-one discussions regarding site layout and design using Bootstrap 5. User data security was also a top priority.
See K9 Ring Steward for more details.

Web designer (contract) September - November 2021 Converted static website to Drupal pages.


Programming languages:

  • C/++/#
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Java
  • Rust


  • Django
  • Drupal
  • Eleventy
  • Hugo
  • NodeJS


  • My peers of On-Demand IT noted and praised my ability to design effective and usable web pages and websites.
  • My client for K9 Ring Steward lauded my ability to design a website’s appearance and functionality.


Python Discord Bot

  • Contributed to an open source python application supporting a community of over 800 members
  • Enhanced existing features, providing an opt-out for a command GitHub:

Global Game Jam 2022

Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

On-Demand IT

  • Developed the design and back end for a website using Django
  • Cooperated with a team of seven to bring an abstract vision to life
  • Strengthened knowledge of Python programming

PRSE, Senior project – California State University, Chico

Rock Paper Scissors, Web Development final project — California State University, Chico