PRSE: A C-like language

GitHub repository As my senior project for my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, I designed and tested a compiler for a language of my own design, which I titled “PRSE”. The PRSE compiler–prsec–reads PRSE code provided on the command line, and outputs a binary program unless the user specifies the argument --cpp, in which case the PRSE source code is translated to C++ and saved to a file with the same name as the original PRSE program....

January 1, 2021

On-Demand IT

GitHub repository Together with a team of three other fellow computer science students and three business students, I designed, built, and tested a website intended for the submission of tickets for technology-related problems. A key idea behind the project was “Uber for IT”. The other three developers, John Higdon, Cody Evans, and Lars Norine, each handled some other aspect of the website, typically backend development (database configuration and data management) while I usually focused on designing the website....

January 1, 2021

Rock Paper Scissors, Web Programming final project -- California State University, Chico

GitHub repository For the final project of my web programming class, I designed, implemented, and tested a dynamic website that facilitates games of rock paper scissors between two players using Django. For the final project, A problem domain was to be specified, and a website proposed that would provide a solution to that domain. As I had interest in game design before and felt that implementing a website to allow for the play of RPS, I proposed that I would design such a website, along with a forum page to discuss whatever players desired to discuss about the game, and a leaderboard page for top players on the site....